Women aren't wearing underwear at the gym in latest viral trend

Publish date: 2024-07-25

Do you wear undies underneath your gym pants?

It’s a question that is currently taking the internet by storm.

It all started because fitness influencer Laura Henshaw asked her podcast co-host and fellow fitness influencer Steph Claire-Smith that very controversial question.

If you think the answer is an obvious “yes,” well, you are wrong.

Women are heading into the gym without their undies, which needs to be discussed immediately.

Yes, this is an actual thing.

Fitness influencer Laura Henshaw (pictured) asked her podcast co-host, Steph Claire-Smith if she wears underwear underneath her gym pants. Instagram

“Do you wear undies with your workout gear?” Laura asked on their podcast KIC.

“Yes! I had to ask you this, too,” Steph confirmed.

I know what you are thinking … if they both said yes, how boring, but don’t worry, the case isn’t entirely closed yet.

Steph Claire-Smith said that she wears underwear when she goes to the gym, then proceeded to ask Henshaw the same question. Instagram

“I know people who don’t”, Steph confessed.

“Wait, are you about to tell me you don’t?” She questioned.

Laura quickly confirmed that she does wear undies when she pops on her gym tights.

Influencer Ellie Gonsalves doesn’t wear underwear at the gym, saying it’s “Much more comfortable and no lines under my pants.” Ellie Gonsalves/Instagram

“I would get thrush!” She joked.

Forget the thrush … what about the sweat?

Surely, the only thing worse than panty lines is a sweaty vagina or discharge stains.

Gonsalves said that she got the idea from Khloe Kardashian. Ellie Gonsalves/Instagram

Laura posted the conversation clip on Instagram to over 300,000 followers, and immediately influencers decided to weigh in.

In fairness to them, if there’s one thing influencers are experts in, it is activewear.

Well, activewear and wands do something to your hair.

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The comments section was dull for a second there, with people just commenting how they’d always wear undies to the gym, which is cool, but where is the drama?

“Underwear is made for a reason,” someone commented.

“I sweat way too much,” another confessed.

“I can’t think of anything creepier than dudes at the gym knowing that I’m not wearing underwear.” someone noted.

All good points.

Then, one influencer did everyone a favor and advocated for undie-free gym trips and shared she never wears them, like ever.

Influencer Ellie Gonsalves, who isn’t just some random influencer, she’s a gold star influencer with over a million followers had her say.

“I don’t! Much more comfortable and no lines under my pants,” she commented.

The confession didn’t end there,

She shared that Khloe Kardashian, yes, the reality star herself, was the one who got her onto not wearing undies.

According to Gonsalves, the reality star doesn’t wear underwear when she works out. Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

“Khloe Kardashian told me not to do it! So I did and haven’t looked back.”

This is just simply too much excitement. So is not wearing undies under your gym pants a thing?


Other people started weighing in with their own undie-free confessions and they weren’t holding back.

“Khloe Kardashian told me not to do it! So I did and haven’t looked back,” Gonsalves said. Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

“No undies! Look and comfort for me. I wash my leggings after each workout so they are clean.” Someone commented.

“I’ve been flying commando for a decade! Let the lady parts breathe,” another preached.

“I’ve never worn undies with my workout leggings. I’ve found it way more comfortable,” someone shared.

There you go!

Women aren’t wearing undies to the gym and they make no apologies for it.
